Thursday, December 19, 2013


Danette MacGregor
Hello readers!

It's been a while since my last post but its for a good reason, I swear!
Kinda a big deal...

Check it out!

Yeah you know, just made a business, website, launched our brand plus all of our clients brands in about 2 months. Its a blast and I wouldn't change it for the world.

But let me get back to the point....
Mealtimes... so hows it going at the MacG house?

Well, to say that things are beautiful, my children are angels, my husband is a sex god and my kids eat everything wouldn't be far from reality except that it isn't entirely true.

Is my husband amazing? Absolutely!
Are my kids angels? When they sleep!
Are all things beautiful? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!

Are my kids eating everything? Nope, but we are making progress!

Our family had a trip to Disney planned for the better part of a year. There was so much prep that went into it. From setting a babysitter to travel with us, to bookings, to work, etc it was a production. All of this time, effort and stress would pay off right? It had to! Its the happiest place on earth! Well, as soon as we got there, Kenz got a stomach bug which then passed to my husband and Sutton. My strongest memory of the weekend was screaming to the 61,000+ people to "MOVE! DIARRHEA!" as I whisked my screaming 3 year old, (I mean 2 year old bc they are still free) to the bathroom so conveniently located .5 miles away.

I thought the weekend was a wash. That we shouldn't have even bothered to come yet alone wake up that morning.

We attempted to salvage the trip the following morning (before the puking started) and go to Epcot. Being a europhile/ francophile my dearest husband booked a lunch at the french cafe. It was so nice, all of these french baguettes, french waiters, french food... heaven!
I ordered the most binding food available and splurged on a cheese plate with exotic French cheeses.

Not only were my kids in horrible moods, sick, tired and starving, I was about to serve them goat cheese, sheep cheese, blue cheese, brie (actually a favorite of theirs) a hard nutty cheese and some pate. I braced for the tantrum, screams, cries and looks from the waiters thinking "Look at those Americans! They can't appreciate a good meal. hon hon hon!"

But guess what? The tantrums never came! The screams never sounded and the kids ate happily ALL THE CHEESE!!!! ALL THE CHEESE! I was so proud (and emotionally exhausted) that I started to cry. Then, when a lady was celebrating her birthday alone at the restaurant I really lost it. It was bad. Like a ugly, sad, snot- sobbing type of a cry. but... my kids ate the cheese! And despite the cards being staked against us, we had a lovely lunch!

This Disney experience is just a few of the past few weeks of adventurous eating. My Sutton ate a whole half of a cucumber dipped in hummus while I prepped some fruit. Kenzington asked for seconds of asparagus at dinner and didn't want more fruit so she had room for more of the veggie. We went out for sushi and the kids both tasted and didn't cry about a sushi roll. And the list continues...

This isn't to gloat, comment how amazing my family is, how I have it right and blah blah blah! But it is to simply say.. keep trying... its working for me. I am no one special.

Anyone out there trying some of the francophile inspired mealtime rules and methods? If so, I want to hear about your experience. Leave me a note below!

About Chef & Chief

Danette MacGregor / Author & Editor

Chef & Chief is how this month, wife, art, and book lover took her American home and turned it into a European oasis. This is our on-going story of how francophile mealtimes and parenting has changed our home.


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