Wednesday, August 28, 2013

"Mumma and Dadda are the chief, you are to do as we say"

Danette MacGregor
To say that we have a verbal 2.5 year old is an understatement. Kenzington is super verbal, independent, defiant, unique, and awkward all rolled into one. 

Right about when she hit 2 years old, I read "French Twist" by Catherine Crawford. This book really helped me claim my spot as the mother and leader of Kenzingon. Before this book, I had just tried to be the authority figure and my unapologetically persistent 2 year old found my weakness.... distraction. I am awful at maintaining a thought if I have been distracted. The majority of my fights with my husband are based on me being interrupted and then forgetting what I was about to say. My delightful offspring found her mumma's weakness and exploited it. I felt lost, defeated, confused (what the heck was I saying!?!?) and verbally chased around by an intellectually inferior child! What the heck!? Kenzington was an expert at distraction but thankfully I discovered her weakness... She was TWO! Haha sucker! "French Twist" helped me stand up, firm, strong, and consistently. 

All I have to say is: 

"Mumma's the chief, you are to do as I say" 

Now, these are not magic words. It's not a spell or hypnosis that works on little minds; rather it is a mantra for you, the parent! (Although, it would be great if it was a spell, we are working on convincing kenz that she has magic like Harry Potter... Haha and yes I know we will probably have to pay for therapy when she has a breakdown but I don't care right now haha) You are the leader of your child and you know best. That doesn't mean that you won't make mistakes and you don't need to be humble and show your child how to apologize but it does mean that no matter what, you know your child best. Scary hua? I sometimes can't figure out where Sutton hid my clothes or where the pool of urine came from and I am supposed the expert? Me? YES! YOU ARE THE CHIEF! 

Say it often, say it strong and remember that consistency is key (god, I am so tired of hearing this but I had to say it again... Get it? Haha) 

We now say it so often that Kenz can finish the mantra for us. She still pushes but she knows we won't give in. She eventually hangs her head (yes, a very dramatic Sheldon Cooper/ Eeyore "I lost my tail" head hang) and sullenly walks away. She always comes back (in about 10 seconds, did I mention that she was active?) later with a massive smile and wants to talk about something else. 

So try it! Give it a good 3 days of saying it whenever you are challenged and see what happens. Let me know in the comments below! 
-Bon Chance Mon Ami! 

About Chef & Chief

Danette MacGregor / Author & Editor

Chef & Chief is how this month, wife, art, and book lover took her American home and turned it into a European oasis. This is our on-going story of how francophile mealtimes and parenting has changed our home.


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